18 enero 2018

V Festival Aragón Negro 2018

Fechas: del 16 al 31 de enero de 2018.

Sedes: Zaragoza, Huesca, Teruel, Calatayud, Pina de Ebro, Daroca, Tauste, Utebo, Gelsa, Calamocha, Valderrobres, Mirambel, Borja, María de Huerva, Alcañiz y Fuentes de Ebro.

Web: www.aragonegro.es

1 comentario:

James Sarah Blogger dijo...

I had an amazing time at the V aragon black festival 2018! The energy was incredible, and the performances were top notch. It was also interesting to see how amazon advertising landing pages were used to promote the event. Can't wait for the next one!